Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Facebook EdgeRank - Important FB Ranking Info.....

Facebook EdgeRank - What is it and Why Do I Need to Know About It?
Written by Nicky Price on Jun 2, 2011 5:38 pm

Okay so just what is Facebook EdgeRank?

Well earlier this year Facebook changed the default view status of updates that appear on everyone’s wall or profile. It used to be that if you posted something, you would see the latest post showing up on your wall. Now it is different. The default setting is to show the ‘Top Posts’ now rather than the ‘Most Recent’. You can guarantee that most Facebook users have not even noticed!

So how does Facebook EdgeRank work?
Well some of the Facebook “gurus” are calling Edgerank the SEO of Facebook, (in other words this is how Facebook “ranks” your pages) so if Facebook is using EdgeRank in their algorithms to rate your page and content, then I’m sure you would find it helpful to know how it works – right?

Essentially the higher the Facebook EdgeRank score, the higher your content appears in the News Feed which is important for maximum exposure of your content.

(And if you don’t really want to know the technical stuff, but you want to know what it means for YOU, then just miss out the next paragraph okay?!!

Objects and Edges

Everything on Facebook is an object, so that means that everything you post, write a note about, upload a photo or video is an “Object”.

Any action that you or your friends take on the “object” such as commenting, clicking “like”, sharing or any other action, is called an “Edge”.

Now it is said that the Facebook Edgerank algorithm is based on Affinity, Weight, Relevancy and Time.

Affinity: – The social value of the “object” – i.e how many likes, shares, tags, comments etc

Weight:- Facebook gives a “weight” preference to comments, posts, shares etc so for example videos rank higher than photos for example.

Relevancy:- Now this is an important one, this is about the relationship between the creator of the “object” and the user. So if someone makes a point of commenting on your post, then make absolutely sure you comment right back because facebook notices this!

Time:- This is how recent your post is and therefore the speed at which the comments or shares of your “object” have been done – the faster the better and so Facebook assumes this is current, live information and prompts an immediate response

That’s too Technical – Just Tell Me What Facebook EdgeRank Means For ME!
Okay well if that confused you a little bit – What this means is that Facebook will now use their EdgeRank system to display the post on your news feed that has the most comments or likes associated with it, because they feel you will be more interested in this than another post from a friend that has not received any comments or likes.

So quite simply this can be an AMAZING and FREE marketing tool for you if you just think about it carefully. Simply design some of your posts to literally “Attract” interest and controversy either by a question or a picture or video designed to pique curiosity and get lots of comments. Ask questions, do surveys, be controversial because the amount of Facebook activity that your comment provokes has a direct result on where you will appear in the newsfeed. Lots of comments and activity will mean that you feature on top of all of your friends newsfeeds, and THEIR friends newsfeeds for at least 24 hours or so.

So would you like to know your Facebook EdgeRank Score?

Well you can! Simply go to http://EdgeRankChecker.com.

Simply login through Facebook, select the fan page you want to check and then select a date range and you will get your Facebook EdgeRank Score.

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